I had the pleasure of sound designing ANTIDOTE, last year as a VR & Virtual experience, and we’re back with Part 2!
MORE ABOUT LaJuné & Marguerite’s piece:
Antidote is a performance by new media artist LaJuné McMillian and choreographer Marguerite Hemmings that reflects a year-long exploration of healing through physical movement and digital technology. First presented in 2020 as a video piece, this fully-realized performance iteration of Antidote will be a live performance developed by McMillian and Hemmings in collaboration with a cast of 6 young artists from South Brooklyn Community High School in Red Hook and University Neighborhood High School on the Lower East Side. Together, they will share how motion capture technology and dance can serve as tools for personal growth and collective liberation.
December 10th & 11th @ 7pm
December 12th @ 5pm
Abrons Arts Center