SCULPTING BETWEEN SLEEP AND AWAKE: [light sculptures: one-five]
Description of Project:
Prompt: Create a portrait using a computational photography technique.
Constraints: The portrait's final form is not an image, but rather a sculpture.
Materials: I chose to create a sculpture; specifically light sculptures, using two spherical mirrors (aka magnification beauty mirrors), a LED lightbulb, and a Canon 5D.
I also experimented with a tea light candle, half-silvered mirror, a blue lightbulb, and two LEE Gel/Filters.
Process: I was trying to use the Schlieren technique, to photograph people's "auras" but instead ended up creating holograms in the lens and real-time light sculpting techniques.
Presentation: Computational Portraiture Final, Spring 2015 || with James George & Alexander Porter
Thank you to:
•My instructors, and Rollin Leonard (Guest Critic) for being as excited as I was about this (and guidance, overall)
•Francisco Ramirez for staying up until the wee hours and being an impromptu model
•Eric Rosenthal for pointing me in the right direction for the mirrors
- Orphans Son by Eli Muro from the Dreamtime Hunter EP on Jellyfish Recordings [music]